Wrestling is a hand-to-hand contest between two opponents in which each attempts to con-trol the other by placing him on his back, with both shoulders touching the mat for a given number of seconds. The techniques used in wrestling have been passed down from ancient times. This book deals with one specific tech nique the takedown.
The wrestler with a superior knowledge of takedowns has a tremendous advantage. This volume demonstrates various takedowns and shows the rewards of knowing these techniques. In each section the reader will encounter certain basic principles common to all takedowns. Con-stant attention to these principles will allow even the beginning wrestler to analyze the most so-phisticated takedowns into simple components. The integral components of a successful take-down are the "penetration," the "set-up," and finally the "second move" (breakdown), which
is employed when your opponent has already countered your first move. Too little attention has been paid to both the set-up and the second move. Knowledge of one component is insuffi cient. A successful wrestler must have several set-ups for his favorite takedowns and several second moves that he may use from each set-up.
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