This book is a manual of the main principles and techniques of Kodokan judo. The Kodokan is the original school of judo in Tokyo, Japan, founded in 1882. The techniques in the standard syllabus of judo are included as a reference, but there are many variations of each technique. The photographs in this book demonstrate the basic positions of the techniques and some variations, but they are by no means comprehensive.
Participating in a judo class with other students and a qualified judo instructor is the only way to develop skill in judo. This book is intended to give readers a greater understanding of judo, and to be a study aid and reference for students up to the level of black belt, but its limited size prohibits more detailed explanations or addition al advanced techniques. Be assured that there is much more to learn-ing judo than what is included here, just as the black belt level is only the beginning step in learning judo.
The technique names, Japanese terminology and English translations used in these chapters are those used in the official Kodokan New Japanese-English Dictionary of Judo (Kodokan Judo Institute, 2000 and Kodokan Judo by figoro Kano (Kodansha International, 1994). Other names and terms may be used in various judo schools around the world, but these are believed to be the most widely accepted.
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