
Ebook Muay Thai Counter Techniques

I had already been involved in kickboxing for some years when I made the decision in 1995 to visit Thailand for training. I traveled to Maha Sarakham Province in northeast Thailand to learn Muay Thai. Master Deycha accepted me into his camp and invited me to live with his fam ily. I stayed in the camp for several months and was in constant contact with my trainers, Master Deycha, Saknipon Pitakvarin, and Kempet Luksilam. This made my intensive study of Muay Thai possible. Dur ing that period I developed the concept for my first book, Muay Thai Kampf und Selbstverteidigung, in 1997. The friendly relationship that I have with the people of this camp continues to this day 

From that time, my enthusiasm for Muay Thai led me to travel to Thailand for training for a few months at a time year after year. In the following years I spent many months training in Thai gyms in places like Maha Sarakham, Buriram, and Surat Thani provinces, Pattaya, and Koh Samui. In the course of these visits I had the good fortune to be trained by the legendary fighter Apideh Sit Hiran for some weeks. In all the camps I visited for training, I always received a friendly wel-come and respectful treatment. The experience I had with trainers and athletes were very positive. In recent years I have lived in Thailand and was also in charge of a Muay Thai camp in the south for some time. For me, Muay Thai is an important part of my life, and it has led me to many great experiences and fascinating moments. 

I believe that Muay Thai, an important component of Thai culture, should be made broadly accessible. It has brought me joy that I would like to pass on with my DVD series and books. I am grateful for the help I received in the production of my DVDs and in writing my twelve Muay Thai books so far, which have been published in German, Eng lish, Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish editions.

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