
Ebook Atemis et Jiu Jitsu

As practice will quickly demonstrate, the techniques described herein are exceptionally effective; yet in the hands of the inexperienced or ill-intentioned, they can swiftly become dangerous. Therefore, we cannot overemphasize the need for caution and advise against lending this book indiscriminately.

Mastery of these techniques, once their underlying spirit is fully grasped, should inspire the calm assurance of the strong and wise rather than a reflexive aggressiveness—after all, the best use of a sword is to keep it sheathed.

In the section devoted to Atemi, we present for the first time not only the precise vital points and their exact anatomical locations but also the specific effects that result from striking them in various ways and with different weapons.

Regarding Jiu-Jitsu, we begin by detailing the finest classical holds, refined through practice and careful observation; following this, we describe the “special movements” that we have developed during our own training.

Finally, we wish to stress that this book is not a manual on close combat that teaches one primarily how to kill by launching surprise attacks. We have no desire to instruct anyone on plunging a dagger’s blade into another’s back, throat, or eye when attacking from behind—that, in our eyes, would betray the true spirit of Judo as taught here. We leave such methods to those who advocate them as educational techniques for future generations.

Self-defense is the protection of oneself, not the assault on others. Here, we learn to defend ourselves unarmed against all forms of aggression; it is a matter of legitimate defense, and our counterattack will be firm, decisive, proportionate to the assault, and always just.

This, indeed, is the very spirit of Budo.

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