
Ebook Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Theory and Technique

In the past decade there has been a truly significant para-digm shift in the martial arts. A series of mixed martial arts toumaments, pitting different fighting styles against one an other with very few rules, was the catalyst for this revolution. The initial results showed in a very clear manner that grap pling styles of fighting were far more successful than the more heavily favored striking arts. This was a shock to most people, since martial arts had generally been conceived of as con cerned mostly with punching and kicking skills. Contrary to most people's preconceptions about real fighting, it was found that when there was no rigid set of sporting rules, almost all fights quickly went into a dinch, then to the ground. It was on the ground, in a grappling situation, that the outcome of the fight was almost always decided. To the traditional mar-tial arts, this was a disappointing result to say the least. 

Long accepted theories of lethal strikes and deadly blows seemed to evaporate in the face of reality. The clear outcome of these mixed martial arts tournaments was that grappling, both in a standing position and on the ground, was absolutely crucial to success in real fighting. More than any other style of fighting Brazilian jiu-jitsu became synonymous with success in these clashes between styles. Represented by the legendary Gracie family who created and refined Brazilian jiu-jitsu, the martial arts world was forced to sit up and take notice of this devas tating martial art. An unfortunate result of these early tourna ments was the martial arts became divided between grap-plers and strikers. There is no need for such a distinction. Striking styles of martial arts need not, indeed, can not, tum their back on these recent changes and developments. This book is not intended for grapplers only, but for anyone, re-gardless of martial arts style, who wants to improve their fight ing skill and versatility by leaming the crucial element of grap-pling and ground fighting. The book is coauthored by two of the most recognizable and active members of the Gracie clan, Renzo and Royler Gracie. From the start this book was writ ten with a clear aim in mind: to offer to the martial arts com-munity at large a clear and accessible set of insights into the theory and techniques of the martial art at the center of the current revolution. In the dawn of a new century the martial arts is in a state of transition the likes of which has not been seen in recent history.

After some initial misgivings and doubts it would appear that to a large degree the martial arts com-munity has come to accept the change for what it is: a libera-tion that has dramatically and unforgettably altered our per-ception of real combat. It is the intent of the authors to introduce the reader to the key elements of their distinctive style of fighting-Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Each is well known for their technical perfection and experience, both as fighters and as teachers. It is intended to set the standard for instruc-tion in this fascinating and highly effective martial art. Along with central theoretical and historical themes, Renzo and Royler demonstrate what they take to be the essential tech-niques of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, along with a selection of advanced moves. 

Like any revolution, the change currently going on has its advocates and detractors. The initial result of the change was to divide martial artists into "grapplers" and "strikers," "modemists" and "traditionalists." Perhaps the ultimate di-rection of the martial arts revolution is that all martial artists, regardless of stylistic preference, can greatly benefit from leam-ing the skills of grappling. Experience has revealed that grap pling on the feet and on the ground is almost inevitable in real combat. Here in this book the knowledge that can tum this fact to your advantage-regardless of your current style or skill level are outlined in detail by two of the world's greatest authorities. 

The driving force behind this book is Prince Tahnoon of the United Arab Emirates' Royal Family. He is a very active and recognizable member of the grappling world, being the force behind the world submission wrestling championships held annually in Abu Dhabi and himself a fine grappler. The result is a book that will serve as an authoritative guide to those martial artists who wish to learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu and grappling arts. In doing so they can only improve their capac-ity to successfully handle and overcome opponents in a real confrontation.

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