
Ebook The Judo Advantage

The genius of Dr. Kano’s creation, judo, is fully unlocked and thoroughly analyzed in this exploration and explanation of controlling movement by Steve Scott. Seiryoku zenyo, which can be best translated as “the best use of energy or maximum efficiency with a minimum of effort” is one of Dr. Kano’s guiding principles. 

The other is jita kyoei, which is translated as “mutual welfare and benefit.” The word judo is often translated as the “gentle way.”

As a form of physical education and sport, judo provides an excellent vehicle for imparting in its practitioners a practical code of conduct and deportment that is crystallized in the phrase “mutual welfare and benefit.” As judo’s practitioners become more and more developed and trained in this more modern form of a martial art, they begin to have greater insight into the full meaning of “maximum efficiency with a minimum of effort.” In this excellent volume, Steve Scott provides both the coach and the student with useful insights into just why and how the gentle way functions as it does.

At the age of fifteen, I was awarded my shodan rank and competed in the regional tournament held by Shufu Judo Yudanshakai. I won my division and became the overall tournament champion by throwing the heavyweight champion for an ippon with uchi mata.

Despite my larger and heavier opponent, the throw was effortless due to body mechanics and, philosophically, mushin or “mindlessness.” Mushin happens when the thrower is not consciously thinking and is “mindless” as the activity is occurring. This mindlessness is an automatic reflex developed by years of repetitive practice and diligence. These principles are included in this book.

The axiom that a much smaller man can defeat a bigger opponent is explained by body dynamics and movement control. Although I was successful as a fifteen-year-old defeating a much stronger and heavier opponent, I learned very quickly watching Anton Geesink (world and Olympic champion) train at the Kodokan and doing randori with him that the real principle at work in this case was “the bigger they are, the harder they throw you.” You will learn why this is true as you enjoy Steve’s insightful comments about how judo really functions.

I highly recommend that coaches and practitioners of judo read this volume because it will enhance and amplify your coaching and judo practice.

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